Web sites found here contain information pertaining to issues surrounding patient health records, such as building, maintaining and storing healthcare files.
Recommended Resources
Connecting For Health is a non-profit organisation concerned with computer systems and electronic record services that improve patient information storage and access.
EHRVA, the Electronic Health Record Vendors Association, is a non-profit organization concerned with electronic healthcare records and medical information technology.
Healthgram.com features safe, secure, and portable health record storage for all health information, records, and test results.
Lab Tests Onliune is a resource that provides information on the testing done by medical technicians. One of the site's most useful features is the "Understanding Your Tests" section which helps you understand your results. The site is available in German, Polish, Spanish, English and several other languages.
The MedXchange web site provides details about its medical record services which include the safe and secure storage of health portfolio information and medical data.
OpenEHR is a non-profit organisation working towards international and interoperable electronic health records for seamless and high quality patient care.
The People Chart web site provides details about its service which helps patients gather and use their medical records to improve their health care at home and while traveling.