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This section of our computer programming language guide focuses on the Ante programming language.

There are at least two programming languages by that name. One of them is a low-level, impure, functional programming language created by Jake Fetcher, while the other is an esoteric language by Michael Dvorkin, where all you've got is a deck of playing cards. Although the most significant relationship between these languages is a common name, either one may be included in this category. Our focus will be on Jake Fetcher's language, however.

In his new language, currently (2024) in active development, Fetcher's goals include bridging the gap between low-level languages like C++ and Rust, and higher-level garbage-collected languages like Java, OCaml, or Haskell.

Ante is a low-level language because it doesn't box types by default, allowing programmers to optimize memory allocation and representation. However, the language strives to provide sane defaults, avoiding unnecessary complexity for users.

Like Rust, Ante emphasizes safety, something that it achieves without imposing strict ownership semantics through lifetime inference. Ante is said to be easier to work with than some other low-level languages.

Ante allows patterns, such as shared mutability. This allows for design flexibility while remaining thread-safe and memory-safe. This balance between flexibility and safety sets Ante apart.

Ante shares many of the safety goals as Rust but aims to be more approachable. Unlike Rust, Ante doesn't enforce ownership semantics, relying instead on lifetime inference. Its syntax and features resemble those of C++ and Rust, although Ante provides a more functional programming experience.

Ante was inspired by Java, OCaml, and Haskell, and it aims to offer similar expressiveness while maintaining low-level control.

Ante's design makes it suitable for various scenarios, such as systems programming, embedded systems, and scripting tasks.

Ante's developers hope for the language to be a pragmatic choice for developers who want the power of low-level languages without sacrificing safety and ease of use. Whether optimizing memory or building expressive applications, Ante offers a unique blend of features and flexibility.

The other language by the same name was created by Michael Dvorkin in 2013. In this quirky, esoteric language, all that a programmer has at his disposal is a deck of playing cards. Each card represents a specific operation or value, and programmers manipulate the deck of cards to perform computations and create programs.

Online resources for any programming language named "Ante" would be appropriate for this category.



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