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Released in 2007, LOLCODE was inspired by lolspeak, a language expressed in examples of the lolcat Internet memes, which were image macros of one or more cats with intentionally grammatically incorrect text, known as lolspeak.

Adam Lindsay, a researcher at the Computing Department of Lancaster University in Lancaster, England, created the language.

LOLCODE is an esoteric programming language that combines humor, Internet memes, and code. Taking a playful approach to programming, its syntax and design are intentionally quirky. For example, the code for a "Hello World" program looks like this:

HAI 1.2
VISIBLE "Hello World"

In LOLCODE, programs start with HAI, followed by the LOLCODE version, and end with KTHXBYE. To print something, use VISIBLE.

In lolspeak, HAI can be thought of as meaning "Hi," and is used to introduce the program, followed by the version, VISIBLE prints the message to the screen, and KTHXBYE is "K," "THX," and "BYE" all strung together, which, in lolspeak, means "OK, thanks, bye."

While the semantics of LOLCODE are not unusual, its syntax mimics informal speech and Internet slang, making it stand out. Unlike traditional programming languages, LOLCODE embraces the absurdity of Internet culture. Its primary influence is the lolcat meme phenomenon, where the images of cats are overlaid with humorous captions in broken English. The language mirrors the playful, nonsensical tone of these memes.

LOLCODE shares some traits with other esoteric languages. Like Whitespace, LOLCODE ignores indentation and spaces. Its strangeness is reminiscent of Brainfuck and Befunge.

LOLCODE was created for fun and educational purposes, and is without real-world applications in serious software development.

The programming language known as LOLCODE is the focus of this portion of our guide to computer programming languages.



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