Clojure is a modern dialect of the Lisp programming language on the Java platform.
Created by Rich Hickey, who had previously developed dotLisp. He spent about two and a half years working on the project before announcing it to the Common Lisp community. Released in 2007, its development is community-driven, and managed through the Clojure Project page, with development discussions taking place in the Clojure Google Group. Issues and ideas are discussed, and processed by a team of screeners, with Rich Hickey approving any changes.
There are a number of implementations of the Clojure programming language. Clojure is the original Java-based implementation, ClojureScript compiles to JavaScript, ClojureCLR is for Microsoft's .NET framework, Clojure-py is Python-based, Clojure-scheme compiles to Scheme, and ClojureC compiles to C.
As a dialect of Lisp, Clojure shares Lisp's code-as-data philosophy and powerful macro system.
Appropriate topics for this category include any of the Clojure implementations, as well as websites hosting user groups, tutorials, and other topics related to the language.
Recommended Resources
Written by Daniel Higginbotham, the author of Clojure for the Brave and True, a tutorial on programming with Clojure, which may be read free online or purchased from Amazon or other book retailers, the site is focused on the Lisp dialect known as Clojure. Included is a job board for Clojure programmers, a directory of Open Source Clojure projects, and information on Clojure programming concepts. Readers may also subscribe to a bi-weekly email list, known as The Clojure Atom.
Clojure is a dialect of Lisp designed for the Emacs text editor, written because the author wanted a Lisp for functional programming, which was symbiotic with an established platform, and designed for concurrency. An overview of the language is presented, along with its specifications, references, releases, and guides, including API documentation, and a list of companies using Clojure. Development notes, news, and Clojure downloads are included.
Clojure is a relatively new programming language that values simplicity, expressiveness, and practicality. Clojure Bridge is an open-source project and an all-volunteer organization charged with increasing diversity in the Clojure user community. Among its programs and services are free, introductory workshops on web development with Clojure. An introduction to the organization is presented, along with membership information, its code of conduct, and an event schedule.
Clojure koans are exercises designed to introduce new programmers to the Clojure language, touching on all aspects of the language, from simple data types to macros, from tail recursion to Java interoperability. Instructions for the installation of Java and the Koans are presented, along with running the first Koan on Mac, Unix, or Windows. Testing is also discussed. Its contributors are acknowledged, and issues that someone might have with the koans may be reported.
Started in 2011, and hosted on GitHub, Clojure Monger is a MongoDB client for the Clojure programming language. It is intended to support most MongoDB features and to focus on those that are most important, be well documented and well tested, and to target modern Clojure versions. It also integrates with libraries, such as Joda Time, Cheshire, Ragtime, and Its goals, development notes, and releases are documented, and available for download.
Clojure is a general-purpose programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine, offering interactive development with the runtime of the JVM. Written by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand, Clojure Programming is a guide to programming with the language available on Amazon Kindle or as a printed book from O’Reilly, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble. The first chapter may be read for free, along with examples, sample code, and reader comments.
Clojure is a powerful general-purpose programming language that runs on JVM, CLR, Node.js, and modern mobile and desktop web browsers. ClojureDocs is a community-powered documentation and examples repository for the Clojure programming language, intended largely for those who are new to Clojure. It includes Clojure’s standard library and quick references for programming with the language, including numbers, operations, functions, collections, code structure, and environment.
Maintained by Cognitect, ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript, producing JavaScript code that is compatible with the compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler. An overview of the programming language is featured, with API and reference documentation, a quick-start guide to running ClojureScript, and other tools and resources are discussed or offered. Links to other Closure and ClosureScript resources are included.
Built on IntelliJ, and written almost entirely in Clojure, Cursive is available now as an IntelliJ plugin for use with the Community or Ultimate editions, and will be soon be available as a standalone Clojure-focused IDE, as a commercial product with a free, non-commercial license for open-source work, personal hacking, and student work. Clojure offers advanced structural editing, refactorings, VCS integration, and other services. A license may be purchased or renewed online.
Developed by Jay Fields, Expectations is an alternative to clojure.test, that seeks to make writing tests more in the Clojure programming dialect of Lisp. Hosted on GitHub, installation instructions are put forth, along with beginning and advanced instructions, collections, and ways in which to get more than one assertion per test. The guide includes information about stacktraces, test names, and running focused expectations, as well as evaluating tests within a context, and state warnings.