Kathleen Ireland, known as Kathy, was born on March 20, 1963 in Glendale, California. She has been a model since the age of 16 and was included in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue for 13 years in a row and is also an actress. She supports research for Down’s Syndrome and Israel and is an outspoken pro-life advocate. When PETA criticized her for her fur clothing line sold by Macy’s, she stated that she would stop designing fur clothing if PETA would join the anti-abortion campaign. No response was recorded.
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Contains Kathy Ireland’s Ask Men rating, which has two components: sexiness and success. Also shares what men think makes her desirable and her biography.
This website is devoted to the design and marketing firm which was founded by Kathy Ireland, who is the CEO and chief designer. It includes everything her firm has to offer, including fashion, wedding destinations and clothing, and interesting fashion items.
Presents the section dedicated to actress and model Kathy Ireland, including her profile, news items, videos, and show business credits.