Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Wayland » Faith & Spirituality

In this portion of our web guide, we will highlight topics related to faith, religion, and spirituality in Wayland, Michigan.

These are terms that may sometimes be used interchangeably, although they are separate words with unique definitions, depending on the context in which they are used.

In the context of religion, faith is a reference to a belief or trust in a higher power, even in the absence of empirical proof. In other words, faith is the belief in a thing that we cannot perceive through the five senses, but which may be felt through intuition, the sixth sense.

Religion is a system of beliefs about a deity that often includes ritual, a code of ethics, or a philosophy of life. Someone who is involved in religion is part of a community of like-minded individuals. Examples of religion include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.

Spirituality brings meaning to faith and religion. The spiritual person has considered his or her faith and beliefs, giving meaning and purpose to his or her religion.

Without regard to the particular religion, denomination, or sect, websites representing places of worship or ministries within the city limits of Wayland, Michigan are appropriate for this category.

A recent survey suggests that residents of Wayland may be less religious than those in most other localities in Michigan or in the United States. While 49.4% of respondents in the United States and 41.9% of those in Michigan cited affiliation with a religion, only 28.5% of Wayland residents were religious.

Of these, just over one percent of respondents in Wayland cited an affiliation with a religion other than Christianity. Of those affiliated with Christianity, the Catholics represented the largest number. They were followed closely by the Presbyterians and more distantly by the Methodists, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists, Episcopalians, Mormons, and other Protestant or Anabaptist denominations or non-denominational churches.

Websites representing churches, ministries, or other places of worship in Wayland would be appropriate for this category.



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