
Make a new layer set, name it Body. Below your tabs and search section, add a 728 x 450 pixels, #222222 rectangle. This spot will hold your main content.

In your layer palette add an Inner Shadow layer style to your layer:


Type in your content using font Verdana, regular 11 pt, none and #9F9F9F for color. Use a larger size for your headline and white for color.


Next to your content add a picture that goes with your content.


Below your large rectangle add two more advertisements.


Make a new layer set and name it Members login. Just below your header space add a Members Login tab.


In a new layer create a 250 x 96 pixels, #222222 rectangle. In your layer palette add a Inner Glow layer style to your layer.


Using your text tool type in Username and Password. Use font Arial, bold, 10 pt, none and #9F9F9F for color. Leave a space for your login form tabs.


In a new layer create a 162 x 80 pixels, black rectangle. In your layer palette add a Inner Shadow layer style to your layer.

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