Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Hematite

Hematite is an unincorporated former iron mining town in eastern Jefferson County, Missouri. After iron ore was discovered there in the 1850s, the railroad extended its tracks tot he area in 1857, and the town was founded ten years later, in 1867, and named for the mineral form of iron, one of several iron oxides, which produces the distinct color of Joacum Creek. Hematite is the site of a radioactive site, as determined by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, related to buried wastes from a Westinghouse Electric Company facility that began operating there in 1956, producing uranium and compounds from enriched uranium for use in the production fuel for nuclear reactors. Hematite is located southeast of Hillsboro, southwest of Festus, northwest of Plattin, and northeast of De Soto.



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