Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Marionville

Marionville, in Lawrence County, Missouri, was founded in 1854 by James Marion Moore. Its early settlement was slow, with early settlers coming to camp or to establish homes, largely due to the availability of fresh water from springs in the area. A creamery was established there in 1911, occupying the part of town where the city park now is, producing nearly forty thousand pounds of butter in 1913. Later, the Honey Creek Bottling Works, a soft drink company, was located in what is also a part of the park now, east of the creek. After these businesses, a tomato canning facility was built in the area where the park pavilion now is. After the canning factory closed, the Marionville Lions Club bought the property for back taxes and that, along with additional property that was acquired by the Lions Club and other community residents, the park was formed. Today, a unique aspect of Marionville are its white squirrels, which are protected by city ordinance, and were reported in the area as early as the late 1800s. Marionville is located along US Highway 60, which passes through the eastern part of the city. Marionville is south of McKinley, southeast of Orange, and northeast of Aurora.



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