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The Human Potential Movement came out of the New Age counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

The movement emphasizes personal human development and eventual evolution through such techniques as encounter groups, sensitivity training, and primal therapies.

The human potential movement came out of the humanistic psychology movement of the 1940s and 1950s, which emphasized an individual's inherent drive toward self-actualization.

The New Age human potential movement assumes that human evolution is in transition. Although humans at the top of the food chain on Earth, we are also the most invasive and disruptive, according to New Age thought. However, humanity is capable of developing far more powerful capabilities, giving up the ability to transform the Earth and to reach out beyond the Earth into the Solar System.

The ultimate goal of the human potential movement is to transcend our biology and the limitations of human consciousness, enabling the evolution of a new type of sentient being. Freed from our current genetic limitations, mankind would one day reach a posthuman era.

It is also accepted that not all humans will evolve at the same rate, but that the descendants of those who undergo personal transformation who will be the vanguard of human evolution.

Further, many New Agers believe that the posthuman era will be one of cosmic consciousness.

Personal transformation brings improvement to an individual but is not synonymous with posthuman evolution. The human potential movement is believed to have the potential of bringing about the posthuman era as generations of people are transformed. The process of human evolution is one where bad ideas are discarded and perhaps forgotten, while good ideas are encouraged and allowed to spread. Those who cooperate with this process will be the ones to move it forward.

Assuming a broad evolutionary cosmic perspective offers this possibility. The emphasis of the human potential movement is not merely on human history, but on the links between the history of humanity and that of the universe. It is not just on human relationships but on the link between the human condition and the cosmic future. This greater perspective is necessary for humanity to evolve.

Others envision the posthuman era as coming about through a combination of science and evolution, citing reports of the technological means of creating superhuman intelligence, as well as development in neuroscience, genetics, and nanotechnologies, which may leave the future in the hands of those who have been enhanced.

Among New Agers, various speculations have been advanced as to the nature of posthuman evolution. Some suggest that there will be those pioneers who will leave their human bodies behind, in favor of something that will allow them to withstand the rigors of space, while others will remain on Earth in natural but evolving human bodies. The evolutionary process may result in multiple posthuman forms, some of which may unable to interbreed with another.

In part to encourage human evolution, many New Agers have abandoned the practice of eating meat.

The human potential movement is not a religion in itself, but a psychological philosophy that is an integral part of New Age religion.

The New Age concept of the human potential movement is the focus of sites listed in this category.



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