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Bisexuality and pansexuality are similar but not quite the same.

While some will argue that they are the same thing, bisexuality refers to an attraction to more than one gender, while pansexuality refers to an attraction regardless of gender.

Individuals who identify as pansexual can experience attraction to anyone, including those who do not identify as a specific gender. For example, someone with a pansexual orientation may be attracted to someone who is agender, as well as those who are male, female, or gender-fluid.

Bisexuals, on the other hand, can be attracted to males or females, as the term implies that there are only two genders. In comparison, pansexuality recognizes more than two genders.

On the other hand, bisexuality can mean different things, and there is no universal agreement on a single definition. Some people define bisexuality as an attraction to more than one gender but not all genders, and pansexuality as the attraction to all genders. Given this definition, there is an overlap between the two, but they are still not the same.

Some people define their gender according to their biological sex, while others view themselves as agender or gender-fluid. These identities are personal, and people define them differently.

The term bisexual is mainly used to describe individuals who have both heterosexual and homosexual attractions. As such, it is one of the three main classifications of sexual orientation, along with heterosexuality and homosexuality. However, a bisexual identity does not necessarily equate to an equal attraction to both sexes. Commonly, bisexual individuals will have a distinct preference for one sex over the other, although not an exclusive preference.

According to the American Psychological Association, bisexual orientation falls along a continuum, which means that someone does not have to be exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, but may feel varying degrees of both. Attraction can take numerous forms for bisexuals, including sexual, romantic, emotional, or physical.

Some sources hold that bisexuality includes a romantic or sexual attraction to all gender identities, which would make it interchangeable with pansexuality. However, the concept of pansexuality rejects the gender binary, which is the concept of two genders and specific sexual orientations.

Some experts hold that bisexuality is sometimes a transitional identity. Youths who identified as bisexual in earlier assessments may identify as gay or lesbian in later assessments.

The bisexual community includes members of the LGBT community who identify as bisexual, pansexual, or fluid. Because some bisexual individuals don't feel as if they fit into either the gay or heterosexual world, some bisexual people opt to form their own communities, culture, and political movements.

Like others who identify as LGBT, bisexuals often face discrimination. In addition to prejudices associated with homophobia, bisexuals often contend with discrimination from gay men, lesbians, and straight society around the word bisexual and bisexual identity itself. There is also a belief, among some, that everyone is bisexual or that bisexuality doesn't exist as a unique identity. It is sometimes argued that bisexuals are heterosexuals who are experimenting sexually, while others reason that people can't be bisexual unless they are equally attracted to people of both sexes.

In recent years, there has been increasing inclusion and visibility for bisexuals, particularly among the LGBT community.

As mentioned, pansexuality is the sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction toward people of all genders, regardless of their sex or gender identity. Some pansexual people refer to themselves as gender-blind.

Pansexuality may be acknowledged as a sexual orientation in its own right or as a branch of bisexuality. Pansexuality is sometimes referred to as omnisexuality.

Many individuals who identify as pansexual object to the term being used synonymously with bisexual. Nevertheless, some consider bisexual as an umbrella term used to describe a range of sexual identities that express attraction to multiple genders, sometimes grouping together those who identify as bisexual, pansexual, queer, and fluid. Others will use the term pansexuality interchangeably with bisexuality.

Another term, polysexuality, is sometimes used as one that is similar to pansexuality in definition, and used to encompass more than one sexuality, but not necessarily encompassing all sexualities.

A key concept in the LGBTQIA+ community is that people are free to choose their sexual orientation according to how they feel at any time. An individual may identify with one or more types of sexuality and may change their orientation over time. Those who don't identify with existing definitions are free to define their sexuality as they please.



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