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News refers to information about current events, which may be provided through various media, including word of mouth, print, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communications, or the testimony of observers and witnesses to events.

Although any fresh information can be considered news, the news media typically focuses on topics such as war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, entertainment, and sports. Since ancient times, government proclamations, royal or governmental ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and crime have been considered news.

News organizations have criteria that influence the selection and presentation of events that are published as news. These criteria help to determine which news is considered newsworthy. While not universal, these criteria vary across news organizations.

Events that are closer to the intended audience are often considered more newsworthy than those that are distant. Timeliness also matters, as fresh and recent events are prioritized over those that occurred in the past. In other words, to be considered "news," it should be new.

Prominence may also be a determining factor. News involving well-known or influential figures is more likely to attract attention. Regardless of prominence, stories that evoke emotions or relate to human experiences are likely to be considered newsworthy.

The old adage, "If it bleeds, it leads," still applies. Stories involving conflicts and controversies are more likely to make the cut than milder stories. News that is likely to have significant consequences or effects on people's lives is newsworthy by most standards.

News media outlets are apt to have geographically oriented audiences. News organizations may be local, statewide, regional, national, or global.

Local news outlets focus on stories and events within a particular community, such as a town, a group of towns, or a county. They provide information about local government issues, community events, crime reports, and business updates. Local newspapers or other outlets connect people with their communities, fostering a sense of belonging and civic engagement.

Statewide news outlets cover events and stories that impact an entire state, and often portions of surrounding states. They provide a broader perspective than local news while remaining focused on state-specific issues. Statewide news media outlets are likely to report on local, county, and statewide issues, such as political campaigns, elections, and crime.

National news outlets cover a broader range of topics that impact the entire country, as well as those with global significance. Major political happenings, international affairs, economic trends, scientific breakthroughs, and cultural phenomena are likely to be reported on by the national media, while local events will be ignored unless they have national import.

Regional news outlets generally cover multiple states within a common geographical area, such as New England, the Midwest, or the U.S. West Coast.

Global news encompasses events and stories from around the world, such as international affairs, conflicts, diplomacy, and major global trends.

While there will generally be overlapping, each level of news serves a distinct purpose and caters to different audiences, providing varying depths of information.

News dissemination dates back to ancient civilizations when news traveled by word of mouth. The Roman Acta Diurna is one of the earliest written forms of news publication. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized news distribution. Newspapers emerged, reporting on politics, wars, and local events.

The telegraph allowed for rapid transmission of news across continents, and wire services, such as Reuters and Associated Press, played a crucial role.

Radio news broadcasts began in the early 20th century, followed by TV news. The Internet transformed news consumption. Online platforms, social media, and mobile applications, now dominate. Several magazines and newspapers have suspended their print editions altogether, and are available solely on the Internet now.

Traditionally, reporters, editors, and correspondents gather and write the news. Newsrooms decide which stories to cover, edit content, and prioritize which stories will be communicated. Editors act as gateways, selecting what information will reach the public.

News organizations like Reuters, AP, and AFP gather and distribute news to other media outlets. However, alternate news outlets are increasingly challenging the mainstream media. One person with a camera or cellphone and an Internet connection can become the news media.

How the news is presented and the selection of which news events will be reported can affect the way it is received. Thus, news bias is a significant issue.


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