Library science, the study of the collection, preservation, and cataloging books, media, periodicals, documents, and other materials in libraries, is one of the topics of these sites. The other topic is tools and information which help in the research of maintaining libraries.
Recommended Resources
A research resource provided by the University of California, Riverside. You can access ebooks, ejournals and articles on subjects such as medical science, business, humanities, visual arts and many other subjects. The website also provides powerful searching features.
The Innovative Interfaces company helps libraries implement library automation. The company's main products include the Millennium integrated library system, digital asset management, and services for K-12 schools. The company can also provide information solutions to law schools.
A directory of the world's libraries, bringing together more than 18,000 libraries. You add your local library to the list or search for libraries by key word. LibDex also has an index of OPACs, web accessible library catalogues that help you find the item you need.
Libr is a website of publications that support progressive librarians. The site's content is mainly oriented toward American librarians, with a number of links to the American Library Association. You can also find issues of Library Juice and the Progressive Librarian here. Any librarians interested in promoting social change will find this site of interest.
Website for librarians created by Brian L. Smith. You can purchase a variety of interesting librarian themed t-shirts and other merchandise here. The site also has some interesting library related websites and blogs that you can visit.
The Library Success Wiki is a collective of best practices to support librarians in providing high quality services. Whether you need to learn about library management, readers' advisory, resource sharing, training and development for librarians or selling your library, you can find it here. You can also contribute your own thoughts to the Wiki.
Started by a librarian this website gives tons of information geared to librarians on how to make their job, themselves and their workplace a better place. View librarian journals, references sites, education, and a photo album.
Library Technology Guides is an information website designed for Americans interested in library automation. You can read about current news in this field from this site. The site's GuidePosts feature is probably its most useful feature – quality commentary which helps you to understand the latest library technology trends.
Library Thing is a social cataloguing website that makes it easy to catalogue and organize your books. Once you add your books in, this website provides a great recommendation service to help you more good books. You can also request to sign up as an Early Reviewer to get free books to review. The genius of Library Thing is that it combines your descriptions (tags, reviews, ratings) with official cataloguing information (e.g. Library of Congress catalogue entry).
LISNews collects together news articles relating to libraries and information science from a variety of sources. You can find out what's happening in the library sector, and listen to podcasts on LIS issues. The website's content is also available via RSS feed and email notice.
This Library of Congress website provides information on the MARC Standards, used by librarians to manage their collections. You can read a general introduction to the standard, and find information on how to use MARC in the XML format.
Metropolitan Cooperative Library System
The Metropolitan Cooperative Library System (MCLS) is a library organization that serves the needs of Los Angeles area libraries. You can find out about the System's workshops and events from this website. There is also a list of the libraries that participate in the system.
This website provides information about many different libraries around the world, with a particular focus on American institutions. You can find out about recently published books, obtain a list of US presidential libraries and more. The website also provides an easy search tool for searching the catalogues of numerous libraries at the same time.
This website on school libraries provides information about school libraries through out the United States and other countries. Maintained by school librarians, it is one of the web's best directories for finding school libraries. The site is sponsored by the H.W. Wilson Company.
The SirsiDynix Institute is a service that supports professional development for professionals in the library community. You can download previous Institute events through this website. Previous events have covered video on the Web, trends in e-learning, and the 21st century classroom.
This website provides resources for school libraries. The site has information on how to provide teaching in a library setting and how to make the best use of technology. You can can also find information here about jobs in libraries and education for school librarians.
The Text Encoding Initiative is a consortium which develops standards for digital text. The Tools section of the website has style sheets, web-based applications, publishing tools and more to help you manipulate text on the Internet. You can also find information about joining the organization here.
Web Exhibits is an educational website that prvides online exhibits on a variety of subjects. The site's current offerings include exhibits on calendars, the causes of colour and butter. You can also find out how to cite information from the website should you use it for a school project.
Web Junction is an online community for library staff. The site has information on library courses you can take to improve yourself professionally. You can also find resources for libraries here, including advice on how to serve the indigenous community. The site also has a group dedicated to the challenge of Spanish Language Outreach.
Offers a free library of open-content educational textbooks that anyone can edit. This website contains a multitude of textbooks on a wide range of academic and non-academic orientation that are created by volunteers.
Tool to share free content for anyone to use and share. The service offers more than one hundred thousand texts including history, horror, mystery and other genres.
Provides access on a a vast range of library content and services. Site allows users to search and find items from thousands of libraries worldwide and also to create lists, bibliographies and reviews.
Zetoc is an electronic information service provided by the British Library. This service provides access to the tables of contents of approximately 20,000 journals and thousands of conference proceedings. The Zetoc service also makes it easier to access the full text of these resources.