This is the category which consists of sites which invite people ask questions which those who work for the sites as experts will answer.
Recommended Resources
AllExperts provides question and answer service. Here, you can ask any topic that interest you. The website provides information on how you can ask a question and allows you to browse past questions, meet top experts and even be an expert. If you have some query regarding anything and you think that you wouldn't find the answer on books and on other resources, then you could try this website for it provides experienced people that will answer your questions.
American Institute of Parliamentarians
The AIP is a membership organization of individuals interested in the use and promotion of parliamentary procedure within organizations.
Provides support to a wide variety of technical areas including HTML, online advertising, CSS, Web design, Unix, Linux, SEO and a lot more from industry expert Dave Taylor.
Find out how to go about changing other people's minds, including through assertiveness, language, negotiation, objection handling and more.
The People's Network is a service provided by the museum's Library and archives Council. The site is best to providing online services from British public libraries. One of the sites most useful features is the inquire function where you can get your questions answered by actual librarians.