Aviva Directory » Local & Global » Europe » United Kingdom » Countries » Scotland » Cities & Towns » Dundee » Education & Instruction

Schools, colleges, universities, tutoring programmes, or other topics related to education or instruction in Dundee, Scotland are the focus of this portion of our guide.

There are two universities in Dundee, together enrolling a student population of about twenty thousand.

Founded as a university college in 1881, the University of Dundee is a public research hospital on the West End. It includes the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee Law School, and the Dundee Dental Hospital and School. Situated in the centre of Dundee, Albertay University first opened as the Dundee Technical Institute in 1888, and attained university status in 1994, and was the first university in the United Kingdom to be recognised as a Centre for Excellence in Computer Games Education.

Dundee and Angus College was created as a merger of Angus College and Dundee College in 2013, and has two campuses in Dundee and one in Arbroath. D&AC offers courses from the introductory level to degree and postgraduate studies, enrolling students older than sixteen. The Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education was formed in 2002. It is a research-led institution of higher education offering programs in the study of Islam and Muslims, Arabic language, and Islamic economics and finance.

Currently there are thirty-seven primary state schools and six secondary state schools in Dundee, as well as eleven primary and two secondary Roman Catholic schools, open to children of all denominations, as well as some other non-denominational Christian schools.

The High School of Dundee is a co-educational private day school that provides nursery, primary, and secondary education. Created in 1239, it is the only private school in Dundee.

Whatever the level of education, curriculum, or administration, schools and other topics related to education and learning in Dundee are appropriate for this category, including homeschooling programmes, tutoring, and job training, as well as nursery schools and childcare services.



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