Aviva Directory » Local & Global » Europe » United Kingdom » Countries » Scotland » Cities & Towns » Dundee » Faith & Spirituality

The focus of this portion of our guide is on places of worship and ministries in Dundee, Scotland.

Topics related to belief, faith, religion, and spirituality in Dundee are also appropriate for this category. Although it is common to use these terms interchangeably, they are unique words with differing definitions.

Belief can be as simple as deciding that something is true or not true. A belief in God can mean little more than an acceptance that a deity exists. It doesn't necessarily denote worship or obedience. In the context of Christianity, Satan believed in God.

Faith is stronger, as it adds trust to belief. In the New Testament Book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul suggests that faith is the only means to salvation.

Religion refers to the body of people who share similar beliefs, providing support and accountability for those who belong to the same religion. Commonly, religions codify beliefs through sacred texts, rituals, and ethical practices. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism are religions.

In the context of religion, spirituality implies a greater connection with the God or gods that the believer places his or her faith in. In the absence of either faith or religion, spirituality can simply suggest a search for meaning, purpose, and significance in life. In that sense, religion is not necessary for spirituality.

Most of the resources in this part of our web guide will consist of links and references to places of worship in Dundee.

For example, the Church of Scotland Presbytery of Dundee oversees thirty-seven congregations in Dundee and the surrounding area. Due to their location in the centre of the city, the City Churches, consisting of the Dundee Parish Church of St. Mary's and the Steeple Church, are the most prominent Church of Scotland structures in Dundee. They are on the site of the Medieval parish kirk of St. Mary, although only the 15th-century tower survives today.

Dundee was once home to two parish kirks, although the kirk dedicated to St. Clement no longer exists.

Other presbyterian groups include the Free Church, which meets at St. Peters.

During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Dominicans and the Franciscans were active in Dundee, where they operated hospitals and chapels. These structures were sacked during the Protestant Reformation, however. Now, only their burial grounds exist.

St. Paul's Cathedral, the seat of the Scottish Episcopal Diocese of Brechin, is in Dundee. It oversees nine Scottish Episcopal congregations within the city, and others in Angus and Aberdeenshire.

The seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunkeld is St. Andrew's Cathedral in Dundee. The diocese oversees fifteen congregations in Dundee and others in the surrounding region.

Other Christian congregations active in Dundee include Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, Pentecostals, and the Salvation Army, as well as the Christadelphians, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Seventh-day Adventists, the Society of Friends, the Unitarians, and some non-denominational churches.

Islam is represented by the Dundee Central Mosque, which was built in 2000, along with three other mosques (Jamia Masjid Tajdare Madina, Jame Masjid Bital, and Al Marktoum Mosque), and an Islamic Society on the University of Dundee campus.

Judaism has had a presence in Dundee since the 1840s. Due to a diminishing congregation, its synagogue on St. Mary Place was closed in 2019, after which the Tayside and Fife Jewish Community began meeting in St. Andrews, southeast of Dundee. There is still a small Orthodox synagogue at Dudhope Park, however.

Dundee is also home to the Dundee Buddhist Group, which has a temple on Reform Street, and a Hindu mandir on the West End of the city.

These and any other ministries or places of worship in Dundee, Scotland are appropriate for this category.



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