Aviva Directory » Local & Global » Europe » United Kingdom » Countries » Scotland » Cities & Towns » Perth » Faith & Spirituality

The City of Perth, Scotland has a long history of religious diversity.

The city became a significant religious centre with the establishment of several ecclesiastical buildings, including the burgh kirk of St. John the Baptist (St. John's Kirk), the houses of the Dominicans (Blackfriars), Observantine Franciscans (Greyfriars), and Perth Charterhouse, Scotland's only Carthusian Priory.

The Dominicans came in 1231, and were known as the Blackfriars because of the color of their clothing. The Carmelites (Whitefriars) came to Perth in 1260, and the Franciscans (Greyfriars) arrived in 1460.

Over the centuries, the city has been home to various religions, and that remains the case, including some quite old church buildings, yet still in use. Some of Perth's older churches include St. John's Kirk, Kinnoull Parish Church, St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, St. Ninian's Cathedral, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, St. Mary's Monastery, Perth North Church, Scott Street Methodist Church, St. Matthew's Church, St. Leonard's-in-the-Fields Church, Congregational Church of Perth, and Free Presbyterian Church.

There are several newer churches and other places of worship, as well.

Regardless of the particular religion, denomination, or sect, churches, mosques, or other places of worship or ministry in Perth, Scotland is the focus of this category, as are other topics related to belief, faith, religion, or spirituality in Perth.



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