Formerly known as Lakeview, Poverty Flat and Leevining, Lee Vining is an unincorporated community in Mono County, California. Situated on the southwestern shores of Mono Lake, Lee Vining is just over twenty miles north-northwest of Bridgeport. As the nearest town to the east entrance of Yosemite National Park, the economy of Lee Vining relies largely on tourism, although it was once a mining camp.
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Recommended Resources
Lee Vining Chamber of Commerce
Representing the business membership organization for the Lee Vining area, a guide to local motels, resorts, restaurants and points of interest is presented here, along with a map and current weather conditions.
Representing the news and content hub for the local public high school, news bulletins, sports, alumni, school board, and PTA information are presented.
This website is dedicated to Mono Lake, a major body of water in eastern California. You can find out about water conservation underway in the area and find seasonal jobs there. The website also has political and natural histories of the Lake and its surrounding area.
Shows an establishment that offers meals and other products for sale. Also find directions, review the products stocked by the store and view photos of the shop.