Learn about the educational institutions and services available in New Haven, Connecticut including Yale University, community colleges, private schools, Catholic schools and public schools.
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Outlines the courses and continuing education programs offered by this community college. Also find out about the institution’s foundation and distance learning programs.
Showcases the private school’s admissions procedures and arts programs. There is a way to donate money to the school and a list of the school’s specialized programs.
Presents a school that provides instruction in music, dance and drama courses. Information on the institution’s preschool and financial aid program elsewhere on the site.
Find out about the public high schools and elementary schools based in New Haven. Other sections of the site provide homework help for parents and details on school construction.
Features a public university that provides certificate and degree programs. Links to the university’s library, athletics and news can be found on the site.
Provides a range of management degree programs including education for executives and the MBA. Yale's areas of expertise include: customer research and corporate governance.
YSM is a center for biomedical research, education and advanced health care. Its site describes its educational offerings, research activities and projects, and patient care facilities. Its academic and administrative departments are discussed, including organizational charts and affiliated institutions.
Highlights a New Haven, Connecticut institution of higher learning offering three major academic components: an undergraduate program, a graduate school of arts and sciences, and its professional schools. An overview of the school is presented, as well as its academic, health and medicine programs, admissions policies, and a history of the university and college.