Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Corunna » Faith & Spirituality

Topics relating to faith, spirituality, and religion in the City of Corunna, Michigan are the focus of this guide.

In large part, if not entirely, this will consist of websites representing places of worship within the city, as well as, perhaps, other sites dealing with local ministries. These will likely consist mostly of Christian churches since no other religions are strongly represented within the city.

According to a recent survey, residents of Corunna are less religious than the average Michigander, and considerably less religious than the average American. While 41.9% of respondents within the state cited a religious affiliation, only 32.8% of Corunna residents responding to the survey claimed to be religious.

Of these, the Catholics represented the larger number of religious people in Corunna. They were followed distantly by the Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Mormons, Baptists, and Episcopalians, although several respondents cited other Protestant denominations or non-denominational churches. One-half of one percent of respondents in the city cited various Eastern religions, but no other religions were represented by even one-tenth of one percent.

Places of worship or ministries in Corunna are appropriate topics for this guide, regardless of the specific religion, denomination, or sect.



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