Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Davison » Faith & Spirituality

Faith, spirituality, and faith in Davison, Michigan are the focus of topics in this guide.

According to a recent poll, residents of Davison are as religious as the state average (38.7%), but not quite as religious as the national average (41.9%). The majority of these are Protestants, although Roman Catholicism is the largest single denomination, given that the Protestants are divided among several denominations. Next are the Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Mormons, and Episcopalians, although, at 2.5%, adherents of Islam outnumber the Presbyterians, Mormons, and Episcopalians. A significant percentage (7.0%) cited other Christian denominations or non-denominational churches, and 0.8% identified with various Eastern faiths, and 0.2% identified with Judaism.

Whatever the specific religion, denomination, or sect, websites representing places of worship in Davison are appropriate for this category, as are those of other ministries within the city or informational sites relating to faith or spirituality in Davison.



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