Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Detroit » People & Society

The focus of this category is on people and society in the City of Detroit, Michigan.

These may include Detroit artisans, such as authors, cartoonists, illustrators, musicians, painters, and sculptors, although art galleries would be more appropriately listed under Things to Do & Places to Go. Memorial websites and personal pages of Detroit residents may be featured here, as well. Pet pages may also be listed here.

Other topics suitable to this category include Detroit organizations and organizations, such as fraternal or service clubs or lodges, as well as political organizations. However, those specific to the topic of another category should be submitted to the most relevant category. For example, a Detroit physicians' group would be listed in the Health & Public Safety, and a local bed and breakfast association would be found in Places to Stay, just as a Detroit orchestra would be found in the Things to Do & Places to Go category. However, a musician who plays throughout the country or world, but resides in Detroit, would be listed in this category.

Issues specific to Detroit may also be featured here.

A large number of well-known people, throughout history, have had an association with Detroit, having either been born in the city or having lived in Detroit for a significant portion of their lives. These include activists such as Rosa Parks and Malcolm X, architects, ceramists, dancers, fashion designers, painters, photographers, sculptors, writers, novelists, poets, musicians, composers, bands, and people known for their roles in business, academics, the labor movement, religion, government, politics, or the media, as well as sports figures from several sports genres.

Official websites representing any of these people would be appropriate for this category, as would fansites, and other sites devoted to former or current Detroit residents. Personal home pages or memorial websites that have been set up for Detroiters may also be listed here, whether or not their names are prominent.

Although professional organizations are best suited for the category representing the particular profession, social, fraternal, or issue-related organizations in Detroit may be listed here. These might include such organizations as the Boy Scouts or other youth organizations, as well as community service organizations, veterans organizations, fraternal organizations, and those formed to serve specific ethnic groups, although religious groups would be more appropriately listed in the Faith & Spirituality category.

The Gaelic League of Detroit is an Irish-American social club founded in 1920 and given the mission of promoting the common welfare and culture of the Irish race in Detroit. While anyone over the age of eighteen, of good moral character, can join the Irish-American Club, Gaelic League membership requires Irish birth or ancestry.

Membership in Masonic Lodge fraternities surged in the early 1900s. In response Masons in Detroit built the world's largest Masonic temple in the Cass Park Historic District. Several Masonic lodges operate within the building independently.

There are several other organizations and people associated with the City of Detroit, and websites representing or highlighting these would be appropriate for this category.



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