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Topics relating to education, teaching, instruction, and learning in Hillsdale, Michigan are the focus of this guide.

While education, teaching, instruction, and learning are related words, they are not synonymous terms. Generally speaking, teaching involves explaining how something is done, while instruction is telling how something is done.

For several years, I was an EMT/Paramedic Instructor. As part of my job, I was responsible for instructing paramedic students as to the proper use of a medication, including the situations in which the medication was indicated, the proper dosage and mode of transmission, and possible side effects to be aware of. This could be accomplished through medical protocols and algorithms, which students would memorize. That would be instruction, fulfilling that part of my job description as a paramedic instructor. However, more efficient paramedics could be produced through a combination of instruction and teaching. The student who was capable of developing an understanding of the disease process leading to the need for the medication, as well as how that medication may produce therapeutic and other effects, would be on the way to becoming a more efficient paramedic, able to handle situations that didn't fall clearly within memorized protocols or algorithms.

Teaching is more complex than instruction, as it involves different techniques, strategies, and approaches that facilitate learning. There is a place for both, however, as good teachers are also instructors. The reverse is generally true as well, although there are some tasks for which instruction will suffice. When you instruct someone in finding their way to the nearest fast-food place, they probably don't need to learn the history of the neighborhood.

In education, however, teaching and instruction go together, as both are needed if we are to expect to produce true learning.

Learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge or skills by instruction, teaching, study, or experience, and education is the process of receiving or giving systemic instruction or teaching, usually used in reference to a school, college, university, or educational institute.

For the most part, this guide will consist of links to websites referencing child care centers, preschools, pre-kindergartens, K-12 schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities, or specialized instructional programs or institutes in Hillsdale, Michigan. These may be public, private, or religious in nature, and local homeschooling programs would also be appropriate.



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