Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Arrow Rock

The village of Arrow Rock is in Saline County, Missouri, near the Missouri River. The community was named for a prominent flint-bearing bluff on the Missouri River, a name that appeared on a French map from 1732. The bluff was a landmark for explorers and travelers, including the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which passed through on June 9, 1804. William Clark passed through again in 1808, remarking that the area would make a good spot for a town. This part of Missouri was known as Boonslick Country during the early 1800s, as Daniel and Nathan Boone, sons of the famous frontiersman, manufactured salt here from 1805 to 1812. The first European-American settlers arrived in 1810, forming communities north and south of Arrow Rock, and on the opposite side of the river. When Fort Osage closed in 1812, George C. Sibley moved his operations to Arrow Bluff, where he carried on trade with the Osage. A ferry began in 1815, bringing westbound travelers to the area. The town itself was founded in 1829, and originally named Philadelphia, with some documents referring to it as New Philadelphia. Since the area was better known as Arrow Rock, the state legislature changed the town’s name in 1833. The Santa Fe Trail came through Arrow Rock. Arrow Rock is located on the west banks of the Missouri River, east of Hardeman and west of Petersburg and Boonesboro.



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