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Bonnots Mill, Missouri is an unincorporated community in Osage County, Missouri. The first Europeans known to have visited the area came in 1688 and, by the late 1700s, French hunters and trappers were coming to the area regularly for furs. The Lewis and Clark Expedition came through the region in 1804, camping near Clark’s Hill. French Village was the first settlement in what was to become Osage County but as the river changed course, it was washed away. A new settlement was built on higher ground and called Dauphine, founded by a colony of French Canadians in 1852, and located about seven miles east of Jefferson City. Later, the community was renamed for Felix Bonnot, a settler who came in the early 1840s, establishing a post office and railroad depot. Bonnots Mill overlooks the current confluence of the Missouri and Osage rivers, about five miles downriver from the 1804 confluence at Clark’s Hill. The Dauphine Hotel, in Bonnots Mill, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Bonnots Mill is south of Tebbets, separated by the Osage and Missouri rivers. Osage City is southwest of Bonnots Mill, and the small community of Frankenstein is to the east. Loose Creek is to the south.



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