Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Ferguson

Ferguson, Missouri is part of the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area. The city was named for William B. Ferguson, who agreed to deed a strip of land through his farm to the North Missouri Railroad, later known as the Wabash Railroad, in the 1850s. A railroad station was established there, known as Ferguson Station. The town of Ferguson Station was incorporated as a fourth-class city in 1894. By the end of the 1800s, six trains a day were stopping at Ferguson and, in 1900, a streetcar line connected Ferguson and Kirkwood, another St. Louis suburb to the south. In 1954, Ferguson became a charter city. Emerson Electric moved its headquarters to Ferguson during the 20th century. Today, Ferguson is largely known for the aftermath of the police shooting of Michael Brown, and 18 year-old black man who was shot by a white policeman with the Ferguson Police Department, an action that sparked protests and acts of vandalism and violence. Surrounding the city are the communities of Florissant, Spanish Lake, Castle Point, and Velda Village.


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