Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Macks Creek

Founded in 1869, and named for the creek that passes through town, which itself had been named for an early settler, Macks Creek is an unincorporated town in Camden County, Missouri, southeast of the lower portion of the Lake of the Ozarks. Previously an incorporated municipality, Macks Creek operated one of the most infamous speed traps in the country, strictly enforcing a 45mph speed limit along US Highway 54. This practice ended in 1995 when Missouri passed a law that prohibited cities and towns from collecting more than 45% of their total revenue from speeding tickets, while Macks Creek had been collecting about 85% of its revenue from tickets. Shortly afterwards, the police department and mayor resigned. In 1997, the state audited the town and uncovered major financial problems, prompting every town official to resign and the city to declare bankruptcy. In 2012, Mack Creek was dissolved as an incorporated entity. Macks Creek is west of Roach and southeast of Jordan.



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