The city of Rosendale, Missouri is in Andrew County. The community was first developed on land owned by John Gaemlich, a German immigrant and boot maker who came in 1856. The new settlement was known as Ogle Mills until 1881, named for Benjamin Ogle, the town's first postmaster. When the Burlington Railraod completed its tracks through the area in 1869, Mr. Gaemlich had the town formally platted, and donated a portion of land for a railroad depot, and a telegraph station was added in 1872. During the 1880s, four passenger trains passed through the town daily. However, the railroad bridge south of the town was dismantled in 1967, and the trains no longer run. Throughout its history, Rosendale has been plagued with flooding of the 102 River, with its flood season lasting about nine months out of every year, while the river is frozen during the remaining three months. Largely due to flooding, the town's school and post office moved out of town, along with many of its businesses and residents, and Rosendale currently has a population of just over a hundred. Rosendale is northwest of Wyeth and west of Whitesville.
Recommended Resources
Located along Highway 48, the K-12th grade school serves the Rosendale, Missouri region. Featured is a student handbook, a school calendar, a staff directory, employment opportunities, and access to various forms and reports. Elementary and high school announcements are posted to the site.
The independent Christian fellowship meets at its facilities in Rosendale, Missouri. A profile and brief history of the church is offered, with an overview of its beliefs and practices, programs, and missions. Leadership contacts, office hours, a worship schedule, and a calendar of events are included.
Situated on County Road 181, the Rosendale, Missouri cattle and horse ranch was founded in 1972. Its location, history, and an overview of its programs and operations, sires, broodmares, registered angus cattle, and blue and red heelers are identified, and highlighted in photographs, client testimonials, and contacts.