The city of Auburn, Nebraska was formed from the consolidation of two towns, Calvert and Sheridan, in 1882. The towns joined together primary to gain the voting power to take the county seat from Brownville, a move that was successful when Auburn was named the seat of Nemaha County in 1883. Later, St. George became part of Auburn. Now in northeast Auburn, St. George was platted in the 1850s. Sheridan was surveyed in 1868, just west of St. George, and Calvert began in 1881 when a new railroad depot was selected just south of Sheridan, and named for Thomas E. Calvert, a railroad official. Auburn still supports two downtown areas, one at the courthouse square, the other in Sheridan. The only person to be elected to the US Congress as a member of the Prohibitionist Party, Charles Hiram Randall, was born in Auburn. Auburn is east of Tecumseh, west of Rock Port, and south of Nebraska City.
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The official site for Auburn, Nebraska features a history of the city and an overview of its governmental structure, administrative and departmental contacts, and a guide to local utilities and services, schools, parks and recreational programs, churches, and businesses. A map and directions are included.
The location, hours, and specialty clinics in Auburn, Nebraska are featured, including its family physician services, pediatrics, and other medical facilities and programs. Patient forms, general medical information, and contacts are posted.
A profile and history of the public library in Auburn, Nebraska is put forward, with information about its polices, a calendar of events, location, and hours of operation. An online card catalog and other online services are featured.
Headquartered in Auburn, Nebraska, District #29 includes Calvert Elementary School and Auburn High/Middle School, both of which are highlighted, with directions, school schedules, faculty and staff contacts, and announcements. Student handbooks, enrollment information, and a private login for parents of students within the public school system are included.
Located in Auburn, Nebraska, directions, hours, and contacts for the theater are presented, and currently playing and upcoming shows are highlighted, and tickets may be purchased through the site.
Situated in downtown Auburn, Nebraska, the Grand Central Hotel was constructed in the late 1800s, now serving as a small bed and breakfast hotel. Its seasonal, standard, and weekly rates are published, with a list of amenities, policies, and payment options.
The Chevrolet automobile dealership is located on East Street in Auburn, Nebraska. Directions, hours of operation, and contacts are posted, along with its inventory of new and used vehicles, special offers, and an overview of its finance policies and services.
General information about county programs, services, departments, and offices are put forward, including contacts, election results, public notices, and a calendar of events.
Published in Auburn, Nebraska, the newspaper publishes a print version and an electronic edition, both of which require a subscription for full access, offering news, sports, obituaries, classified advertising, and photographs. Subscriptions may be done through the site.
Wheeler Motels and Longs Creek RV Park
Featuring the Auburn Inn, with its 28 units and one master suite, as well as Palmer House, with 22 units, Longs Creek RV Park, which is next to the Auburn Inn, and recreational vehicle storage, regular storage units, and U-Haul rentals, all in Auburn, Nebraska, directions, rates, and contacts are posted, along with a guide to area restaurants.