Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Nebraska » Cities & Towns » Lewellen

The village of Lewellen is situated in the valley of the North Platte River, in Garden County, Nebraska. Prior to its habitation, French traders, travelers along the Oregon Trail, and those seeking gold in California came through the area. Ash Hollow, located nearby, was a popular camping area for these travelers, and is today a State Historical Park. The first permanent settler was Samuel P. Delatour, who established a ranch along Blue Creek in 1884. In 1886, Frank Lewellen, for whom the village was later named, built a small store and post office four miles east of the current town site. A bridge was built in 1891, giving easy access to the nearest railroad at Big Springs, encouraging further development, and the post office, bearing Lewellen’s name, was moved to Bob Graf’s store near the southwest corner of the current town site, which was then part of Deuel County. The town site itself was laid our in 1906 when the railroad was extended to that point. Lewellen is situated along Highway 26, southeast of Oshkosh, and northwest of Ogallala.



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