Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Nebraska » Cities & Towns » Springview

The small village of Springview, Nebraska is the seat of government for Keya Paha County. Named for the spring that was found in the area when the town was platted as the county seat, Springview’s post office was established in 1885, and its first courthouse was constructed the following year. In 1889, fearing an attack by the remaining Sioux, following the Battle of Wounded Knee, many settlers left their homes in Springview, while others housed their women and children in the courthouse, which served as a fort. These rumors proved to be baseless, but some settlers abandoned their homes anyhow. The drought of 1893 and 1894 resulting in two consecutive years without a crop, devastating the economy of the town, but Springview survived, although as a smaller village. Springview is east of Norden, southwest of Mills, and north of Ainsworth, Nebraska, with Wewela, South Dakota to the north.



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