Also known as La Mesilla and Old Mesilla, Mesilla is in Doña Ana County, New Mexico. The community was incorporated in 1848, after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo moved the U.S.-Mexico border south of the village of Doña Ana, placing it within the U.S. A group of citizens decided to move south of the new border, settling in Mesilla. By 1851, Mesilla had become a no man’s land, claimed by both the U.S. and Mexico. During the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, Mesilla became part of the U.S.
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Offering bilingual services and programs, the Roman Catholic Church is located on the Mesilla Plaza at the corner of Calle Principal and Santiago in Mesilla, New Mexico. Its schedules, spiritual growth programs, ministries, and office hours are posted.
Double Eagle Restaurant and Peppers Cafe
Located in historic Old Mesilla, New Mexico, the restaurant is located in a building that was constructed in the 1840s, and displays much of the history of the area. A map shows the location of the facility, and its menus, specials, and a calendar of events are put forward, along with a history of the building, a blog, recipes, and other resources.
Specializing in Mexican food and steaks, the Mesilla, New Mexico restaurant has been in operation since 1939. Its history, menu, calendar, and directions are published to the site.
Based in Mesilla, New Mexico, the non-profit organization presents alternative, foreign, and independent film and video to the southern New Mexico and El Paso/Juarez areas of Texas. Schedules, photographs, and theater rental information are put forward.
Mesilla is located just south of Las Cruces near the Rio Grande River. The town’s official web site features agendas and minutes, an introduction and contacts for the board of trustees, and a guide to area points of interest and events.
Town of Mesilla Fire Department
The municipal fire department offers fire suppression and rescue services, and is the first response for all emergency medical calls, supplementing an advanced life support ambulance operated by a private company. Information and photographs of its station, apparatus, and personnel are offered.
Maintained by the municipal government, the guide to the community offers a local history, as well as an overview of food and lodging facilities, entertainment venues, museums and other points of interest, and tales of ghosts and other legends.