Cavalier, North Dakota is the seat of Pembina County. The city was founded in 1877, and became the county seat in 1911. The Tongue River flows through the city, and Cavalier Air Force Station is located nearby. The city is not located in nearby Cavalier County, although they bear the same name. Cavalier is northeast of Akra and the Icelandic State Park.
Recommended Resources
The annual motorcycle event takes place over one weekend a year in Cavalier, North Dakota. An overview and schedule of the events are published to the site, along with information on area lodging, sponsorships, and contacts. Photographs from previous events are published to the site.
Operated by the City of Cavalier, North Dakota, the public airport’s location, operations, communications, and services are discussed, along with runway information, operational statistics, and an aerial photograph.
Fleming, Dubois & Fleming, P.L.L.P.
Specializing in criminal defense cases across North Dakota and Minnesota, the law firm is located in Cavalier, North Dakota. Its chief attorneys are introduced, along with their areas of practice, a map and directions to the office, hours, and contact data.
Offering floral arrangements, homemade fudge, and other gift items, the store is located in Cavalier, North Dakota. Its location, hours of operation, delivery area and policies, and its hours of operation are featured.
Affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, the congregation meets at its facilities on Division Avenue North in Cavalier, North Dakota. Its service and programs schedules, a calendar of upcoming events, and leadership contacts are put forward.
Pembina County Memorial Hospital
Headquartered in Cavalier, North Dakota, PCMH consists of the hospital, a medical clinic, a senior independent living facility, and a 24-hour skilled nursing facility. Its medical staff, services, locations, appointment policies, and contacts are featured.
Created by the 1866-1867 Dakota territorial legislature, the county seat is in Cavalier. County elected officials and administrative personnel are introduced, with contacts, as well as profiles of significant cities within the county, recreational areas and facilities, and economic development concerns.