Cushing, Oklahoma is in Payne County. Once a part of the Sac and Fox Reservation, the town began when the land was opened for settlement in 1891. William Little, who had been a government trader for the tribe prior to the and run, built the first house there to establish his claim, then laid out town lots. A post office was established in 1891, and named for Marshall Cushing, private secretary to U.S. Postmaster General John Wanamaker.
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Comprised of businesses and professional people in Cushing, Oklahoma, the Chamber works to advance the economic, civic, educational and cultural growth of the area. Featured is a member directory, calendar, and announcements.
Cushing High School Alumni Association
The alumni web site features a history of CHS, links and stories from former students of the school and class specific pages, including reunion notices and other announcements.
The location, hours of operation, calendar of events, and an overview of the collections, services, and resources available from the library in Cushing, Oklahoma are offered. Information about the Cushing Youth Center, Cushing Senior's Center, Cushing Aquatics Center, and the Lachenmeyer Arts Center are included.
CRH is a community owned medical facility in Cushing, Oklahoma. Its mission, services, and providers are discussed, and a map shows the location of the hospital.
The privately operated site presents a history and overview of the city, including a guide to local organizations, churches and businesses, community programs, recipes, and other resources.
Broadcasting on 1600 AM, the radio station is located in Cushing, Oklahoma. Its web site features local news, sports, weather and obituaries, along with a program schedule, video, and contact data.