The eclectic arrangement of sites listed in this category include artisans, associations, clubs, lodges and other organizations, elected officials and local issues, memorial sites, and pet pages in Lander, Wyoming.
Recommended Resources
LPC is a non-profit organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of companion animals through the rescue of dogs and cats, working with the city pound to evaluate and socialize impounded animals for the purpose of adoption, paying veterinary expenses, and facilitating the adoption of abandoned pets.
The Lander Swim Team is a not-for-profit organization, supported by dues, fundraising and volunteer work, which is engaged in teaching children to swim. Team and coach information is presented, along with photographs and contact data. Necessary forms and applications are available.
A weekly meeting schedule and calendar of upcoming events for the Lander Rotary Club is offered, with a description of its projects, a list of club officers, and details on becoming a member of the service organization.