Aviva Directory » Faith & Spirituality » Prayer » Christian Prayer » Catholic Prayer

This part of our web guide focuses on Catholic prayers or prayers of specific importance to Catholicism.

Prayer in the Catholic Church is viewed as "the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God."

The three key types of prayers in Catholicism are vocal, meditative, and contemplative.

Vocal prayer involves the use of words, either spoken or sung, to communicate with God. It is accepted that the heart's fervor is of more importance than the number of words spoken. The Our Father (Lord's Prayer) is a central vocal prayer and one that was taught by Jesus Himself. Additionally, the liturgical prayers of the Church are often vocal expressions of faith.

During meditative prayer, Catholics reflect on the Scriptures, spiritual truths, or the life of Christ. It involves pondering and internalizing God's Word. The Rosary is a meditative prayer that contemplates the mysteries of Christ's life while reciting specific prayers.

Contemplative prayer goes beyond words and thoughts. During this form of prayer, Catholics rest in God's presence, seeking union with Him. Contemplative prayer often involves silence, stillness, and openness to God's grace. Saint John of the Cross and Saint Teresa of Avila emphasized this form of prayer.

The Catholic Church encourages various expressions of prayer to nourish the spiritual life of the Catholic individual. Common ones include morning and evening prayers. Setting aside specific times to pray each day helps Catholics remember God continually. The Liturgy of the Hours provides structured prayers for different times of the day. Saying Grace before and after meals simply expresses gratitude to God for daily sustenance. The Sunday Eucharist (Mass) centers the Catholic's week around the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Catholic faith. The liturgical year and feasts, such as Christmas and Easter, provide a rhythm for the Catholic's prayer life.

The Psalms hold a special place in the prayer life of Catholics. These ancient hymns express a wide range of human emotions, including joy, sorrow, praise, lament, and trust. They are part of the Liturgy of the Hours, and several of the Catholic saints found inspiration and solace in praying the Psalms.

Devotions are specific practices designed to deepen the Catholic's relationship with God. Common Catholic devotions include the Rosary, the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Novenas, and the Stations of the Cross.

Written works that specify prayers used in the Catholic Church include the Roman Missal and the Liturgy of the Hours (Breviary).

While there are many similarities between the prayers used by Catholics and those practiced in the various Protestant denominations, but there are differences as well.

While Catholics emphasize the importance of sacred tradition alongside Scripture, Protestants generally emphasize the authority of the Scripture alone. Thus, Catholic liturgical prayers, sacraments, and devotions are deeply rooted in tradition, while many Protestant churches emphasize a personal interpretation of Scripture and an individual relationship with God, although most Protestant churches have liturgical elements, as well.

Catholics seek the intercession of saints through prayers and devotions, Protestants believe in direct access to God through Jesus Christ. While Catholics confess sins to priests, who offer absolution and guidance, Protestants do not pray to saints or seek priestly intercession but direct their prayers directly to Jesus Christ or to God the Father.

While most Protestant churches include structured liturgies and other formal prayers, they are more likely to engage in spontaneous, extemporaneous prayers. Many Protestants believe that individual prayer is more highly valued than liturgical prayer.

Catholics make common use of repetitive prayers, such as the Rosary, as a form of meditation. Protestants generally avoid repetition and prefer spontaneous prayer as direct communication with God.

These differences are broad generalizations, and some Protestant denominations are closer to Catholicism than to some of the looser elements of Protestantism.

Online resources for information regarding Catholic prayer are appropriate for this category or any of its subcategories.






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