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The Claretians are a community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers, founded in Spain by Saint Anthony Claret in 1849. Claret hoped to prepare priests who would share his vision of proclaiming the Gospel. The Claretians also have a particular devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and have made significant contributions to Marian studies over the years. Twenty days after he founded the Claretians, he was appointed Archbishop of Cuba, leaving the Congregation under the care of Esteban Sala, one of his co-founders. The Claretians have varied ministries, depending upon the needs of the areas in which they work, their focus being on responding to the greatest needs of the poor. The formal title for the Claretians is the Congregation of Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the Revolution of 1868, the Claretians were suppressed by the state, and its missionaries were forced to seek refuge in France. Before the death of Claret, the institute had established itself throughout Spain, as well as Africa, and in Mexico, Chile, and the Philippines. In August of 1936, fifty-one Claretians were executed during the Spanish Civil War. In all, two hundred and seventy Claretians were martyred during the Spanish Civil War. These included nine priests, five brothers, and the rest seminarians. Two members who were foreigners from Argentina were spared. These martyrs were beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1992. The Claretians live together in community, serving in a variety of ministries devoted to social concerns and issues of peace, justice and the environment. Claretials share daily prayer, meal preparation, and meals. They also work in Catholic parishes, foreign missions, publishing, and outreach programs to young people, including summer camps and college outreach. The national shrine of Saint Jude was founded by Father James Tort, a Claretian and pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Chicago, Illinois, in 1929.



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