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The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Ordo Cisterciensis Strictioris Observantiae) are more commonly known as the Trappists or Trappistines. The O.C.S.O. is a Roman Catholic religious Order of cloistered contemplative monastics who follow the Rule of Saint Benedict. The Order takes its common name from La Trappe Abbey, where a reform movement began in 1664, as a reaction to the relaxation of practices in many Cistercian monasteries, and broke away from the Cistercian Order in 1892 to form an independent monastic Order, with the approval of the pope. The Order is guided by the Rule of Benedict, and strict observance refers to the goal of the Trappists to follow the Rule closely, particularly the vows of stability, fidelity to monastic life, and obedience. Although they do not take a vow of silence, Trappist monks generally speak only when necessary, discouraging idle conversation, a tradition gleaned from Saint Benedict, who believed that speech disturbs quietude and receptivity, and tempts people to exercise their own will rather than the will of God. Speech that leads to unkind amusement or laughter is viewed as evil. The Trappists employ a form of sign language that is distinct from other forms of monastic sign language. The Trappists abstain from eating meat and, although they will ocassionally eat fish, their diet consists mostly of vegetables, beans and grain products. As compared to the Benedictines, the Trappists hold to a simplet diet, use simpler vestments and vestments, and do not use stained glass or other ornamentation in their churches. They emphasize manual labor, and also tend to have fewer interactions with people outside of their communities. Most Trappist monasteries produce goods that are sold to provide income for the monastery. These goods might range from various types of cheeses, bread and other foods, and even coffins, although they are most famous for their beers, which are said to improve with age.



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