The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the largest of the Presbyterian bodies in the United States. It was formed in 1983 from the merger of the Presbyterian Church in the United States and the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, which had previously separated during the Civil War years.
The Presbyterian Church in the United States, the Northern body, had merged with the United Presbyterian Church of North America in 1958. Although the Westminster Confession had been the traditional doctrinal statement of American Presbyterians since colonial times, with the merger of the two Northern denominations, it was noted that the Westminster Confession was more than three hundred years old.
In 1967, a new doctrinal statement was ratified by the General Assembly, known as the Book of Confessions. Although some felt that the new statement watered down the Westminster Confession, most United Presbyterians preferred it. With the larger 1983 merger, the new Confession was adopted.
The PC(USA) follows typical Presbyterian polity, with the annual General Assembly as the final authority in matters of the denomination, but amendments to the church's constitution require ratification by the Presbyteries. There are two officers of the General Assembly: a stated clerk who serves as the executive officer, and a moderator who presides over meetings and speaks for the denomination.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) is governed through Presbyterian polity, which includes four levels of church government and administration, which are outlined in its Book of Order. The councils are the Session (of a congregation), the Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly.
At the local church level, the governing body is known as the Session, which is comprised of the pastors and elected elders of the church. The Session guides and directs the local church's ministries and oversees the works of the deacons.
The Presbytery is made up of the congregations and the Teaching Elders in a geographic region, along with elders who are selected from each of the congregations, according to membership size. The Presbytery is responsible for ordaining church members to the ministry of Teaching Elder, and for installing or removing them from congregations. A Teaching Elder is a Presbyterian minister.
Pastors are not considered members of the churches they serve because they are accountable to the Presbytery. In practice, church members choose their own pastor with the assistance of the Presbytery, and with the approval of the Presbytery.
. Presbyteries are organized by geographical regions known as Synods. Each Synod includes at least three Presbyteries. The duties of Synods will vary according to the needs of the Presbyteries they serve, but generally, they facilitate communication between Presbyteries and the General Assembly and help to implement the mission of the church within their geographical region.
As already stated, the General Assembly is the highest governing body of the Presbyterian Church (USA). It is currently headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The General Assembly sets priorities for the work of the church, develops objectives and strategies, provides program functions, and establishes and administers the national and international ministries of the denomination.
The General Assembly is assisted in its work by various agencies, including the Board of Pensions, the General Assembly Mission Council, the Office of the General Assembly, the Presbyterian Foundation, the Presbyterian Investment, and Loan Program, and the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission is the denomination's highest court, which has appellate jurisdiction over all Synod questions involving issues of the church constitution.
Ten seminaries and several colleges and universities are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), while others are associated by covenant agreement.
The PC(USA) is considered to be the more liberal of the Presbyterian bodies. It has a strong emphasis on social justice and advocacy issues. In 2013 its presbyteries ratified the General Assembly's decision to allow the ordination of openly homosexual persons, and in 2015 it voted to amend the denomination's constitution to allow for same-sex marriage.
The denomination has been struggling with membership since its inception and has dropped in membership every year since 1984. The drop in membership has been largest since 2012. The majority of churches separating from the Presbyterian Church (USA) have joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of ECO, although others have joined with the more conservative Presbyterian Church in America, which does not ordain females as clergy.
The focus of this category is on the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Recommended Resources
MLP is an LGBTQ program within the Presbyterian Church (USA), enabling Presbyterians to lead LGBTQ service and advocacy programs within the community, and working to increase participation of LGBTQ members within the Presbyterian Church (USA). Its story, staff, boards, and churches are defined here, along with an overview of its work, a documentary and other videos, photographs, and an online shopping area.
The PC(USA) is a Presbyterian denomination, based in the United States, which traces its history back to the 16th century Protestant Reformation and the teachings of John Calvin. An overview of the denomination is found here, including a video depicting its organizational structure and work, as well as annual reports, publications, and news. Local congregations and affiliated organizations may be located through the site.
As part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Presbyterian Foundation manages funds and develops gifts on behalf of member congregations and related mission and ministry efforts. Its history and leadership are stated, administrative contacts are posted, and its annual report, partnerships, testimonials from people who have been helped by the program, promotional video, and its theological education fund are put forth.
Organized by the Presbyterian Outlook Foundation, the objectives of this publication are to promote discussion of issues confronting the Presbyterian Church USA, to disseminate accurate information about developments in the Christian church in general, and to advance understanding of the Reformed faith. News, analysis, reports, opinion, events and other resources are presented here.
Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
PPC is the publishing arm for the Presbyterian Church (USA), publishing under the cover of Westminster John Knox Press and Geneva Press. Publishing nearly a hundred new books and other resources each year, PPC also manages previously published works that are sold throughout the world. Its mission, connections, governance, and benevolence programs are highlighted, and various study guides and other downloads are available.
Women’s organizations were part of Presbyterian life for more than two hundred years and was mostly expanded throughout the years. The history, purpose, and affiliations of the various Presbyterian women’s groups are set forth, along with its affiliations, missions, and projects. Other resources include information, stories, statistical data, grant information, news, and a calendar of events. Contributions can be made through the site.
The gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 9th through the 12th grade, occurs once every three years. A program schedule, costs, theme, and leadership contacts are set forth, along with a list of participants needed, expectations and requirements of the positions, community guidelines, registration data, and a promotional video.
Serving Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Richmond, Stanley, and Union counties, the presbytery is in the Southern Piedmont Region of North Carolina and includes one church in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. A list of Presbyterian Church (USA) churches is published to the site, including addresses, contacts, and web addresses when available. A calendar of events, schedule of presbytery meetings, and program areas are included.
Operated by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, Geneva Press, and other agency partners, the online store features books, curriculum, and other publications and resources for congregational use, leadership, study groups, and individual Presbyterians. A catalog of available products is presented, Materials may be purchased online, and registered users may receive savings and updates. Payment options are posted.