Aviva Directory » Faith & Spirituality » World Religions » Abrahamic Religions » Christianity » Church Divisions » Protestant » Denominations » Reformed » Hungarian Reformed Church in America

Originally organized as the Magyar Reformed Church in 1904, the Hungarian Reformed Church in America (HRCA) was under the jurisdiction of the Reformed Church of Hungary until 1918.

In the late 1800s, a large number of Hungarians immigrated to the United States, including several who were members of the Reformed Church of Hungary. As new Calvinist churches were established in America, they were extensions of the Church in Hungary.

However, with the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire following World War I, the Reformed Church of Hungary surrendered its jurisdiction over the US congregations. In 1921, in what was known as the Tiffini Agreement, an arrangement was made for them to become part of the American Reformed Churches. Only one part of these churches accepted this arrangement, and they are known as the Calvin Synod of the United Church of Christ today.

The laity in most of the congregations viewed the agreement as detrimental to their dignity and their right to self-determination. With leadership from the Rev. Endre Sebestyen and Dr. Zoltan Kuthy, they formed the Free Magyar Reformed Church in America in 1923, holding its first denominational assembly in Duquesne, Pennsylvania, where they established a Presbytery. In 1928, at a General Assembly in Trenton, New Jersey, a second Presbytery was established.

In 1958, adding other congregations who desired to regain their Hungarian traditions, the denomination was renamed the Hungarian Reformed Church in America. Sister church affiliations have been established with the Hungarian Reformed Church.

The HRCA affirms the Second Helvetic Confession of 1566, which presents Calvinism as an evangelical form of Christianity that emphasizes the traditions of the Early Church and confirms the doctrine of election. The denomination also holds to the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Heidelberg Catechism.

Governmentally, the HRCA's polity is an amalgamation of episcopal and presbyterian, with one Diocese, headed by a bishop and a lay curator. The Diocese oversees three classes responsible for New York, the East, and the West. A deacon and a layman head each class. The denominational headquarters is in Poughkeepsie, New York.

The focal point of this category is on the denomination known as the Hungarian Reformed Church in America. Online resources representing the denomination and its ministries are, of course, appropriate for this category. While websites representing local HRCA churches are generally placed in the Local & Global category corresponding to the geographical locations of each church, those that contain sufficient information about the denomination itself may, at the discretion of the editors, be placed in both categories.



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