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Tikkun International is a Messianic Jewish organization made up of Tikkun America and its international ministries, training institution, and other affiliated organizations.

Tikkun is a Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) oriented, an apostolic network of congregations, leaders, and ministries in the tradition of Messianic Judaism.

The Tikkun network believes in one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The divine actions of God are accomplished by the Father, who works through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

They believe that God created the heavens and the earth, then created mankind in His image, as priest and ruler of the earth. God intended for mankind to be interdependent and a blessing to themselves and to God.

Created with free will, mankind disobeyed God, thus losing their privileged vocation and divine image, and frustrating God's purpose for creation.

God chose Israel and entered into an everlasting covenant with the Jewish people, who are to be the first of a renewed humanity.

God gave Israel the Torah and the holy land of Israel, as their inheritance and a pledge of the blessing of the World to Come. The Torah serves as the constitution of the Jewish people and the Messianic Jewish community. The Torah does not have the same role for Messianic communities from other nations, although it does provide spiritual nourishment, universal norms of behavior, and practical teachings for life.

Forgiveness of sins, spiritual renewal, union with the Messiah, the sanctifying and empowering indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the hope of eternal life and resurrection are available to Jews and Gentiles alike, so long as they place their faith in Yeshua and, in obedience to His word, are joined to Him through immersion and sustained through the remembrance meal of the Messiah.

The Son, Yeshua the Messiah, was born of a Jewish virgin, becoming a human being and a perfect Israelite, or tzaddik, one who embodies God's primary conception of a human being. Jesus fulfilled the mitzvot of the Torah, perfecting the human expression of the divine image.

Yeshua died for the atonement of the sins of humanity, was raised bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven where He took His place at the right hand of God, as the promised Messiah of Israel, whose authority extends to the end of creation.

God sent the Holy Spirit to those who believed in Yeshua, allowing them to be joined to the Messiah as His Body, becoming the representation of the fulfillment of the New Covenant promised to Israel. Being filled with the Holy Spirit enables believers to share the Gospel with power, and to receive the supernatural gifts of the Spirit.

The early community of believers in Yeshua were ethnic Jews, but God added partners from other nations who responded to the Gospel with faith.

The community of the Messiah is a single community expressed in diverse forms, all called to a life of worship, service, and testimony to Yeshua.

Within the community, spiritual life is grounded in family units that make up the framework of congregations, where believers are encouraged, trained, and disciplined. Messianic Jewish congregations connect in associations for accountability.

The writings of Tanakh and Brit Hadasha are believed to have been inspired by God. They are held to be trustworthy, and the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

Jewish traditions are thought to be a link that connects contemporary Jews to their biblical past, providing the resources and understanding required to develop a Messianic Jewish way of life, while Christian theology offers insights into the revelation of the Messiah.

Tikkun holds to the Twelve Pillars of the Kingdom, which express the themes and concepts of its teachings. The Twelve Pillars are Gospel, Worship, Community, Power, Character, Order, Unity, Jewish Calling, Discipling, Coming Fullness, Spheres of Influence, and Prayer.

Topics related to the Messianic Jewish movement known as Tikkun are the focus of topics in this category, and include Tikkun International, Tikkun America, and associated organizations, institutions, ministries, and informational sites.



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