Aviva Directory » Computers & Internet » Programming » Julia

The focus of this category is on the Julia programming language, which was designed by Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, Jeff Bezanson, and Viral Shaw.

Work began on Julia in 2009, the goal being to produce an open-source language that was powerful and fast. The language was released in 2012 under the MIT (core) and General Public License, and it wasn't long before a strong developer community grew up around it. Julia has received contributions from hundreds of developers worldwide, and funding has come from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Intel, and DARPA, FAA, NASA, NIH, and NSF. Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by the chief designers of the language, as well as Deepak Vinchhi and Keno Fischer.

Julia is particularly suited for the computation of intensive tasks, as it is a compiled language that runs nearly as fast as Fortran or C, and much faster than Python.

It is free and open-source, easy to learn, elegant, clear, dynamic, and interactive. Once compiled, programs produced by Julia have high computational power and speed. The language has metaprogramming and macro capabilities, as well as built-in concurrent and parallel capabilities. It can be run in a terminal application known as the REPL (read, execute, print, loop) mode, which is helpful in checking code syntax. Many programmers like the fact that Jula indexes arrays beginning with one rather than zero, as several other languages do.

It is also a general-purpose programming language. With Julia, no other programming language is needed in order to produce high-performance code. Julia is, however, interoperable with several other languages, and has packages supporting markup languages like BSON, HTML, JSON, XML, and for databases and web use in general.

Julia has an extended standard library, with several third-party packages available.

Topics relating to the programming language, any of its extensions, compilers, IDEs, editors, or other tool created for the purpose of being used with the language, are appropriate for this category, as are Julia user groups, forums, tutorials, or related resources.



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