Churches, other places of worship, or ministries in Garden City, Michigan are the focus of topics in this category.
A recent survey suggests that 42.2% of residents of Garden City are religious. This compares to 41.9% of Michiganders and 49.4% of Americans.
Of these, the majority were Protestant Christians, represented by Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Mormons, although 6.5% cited an affiliation with Protestant denominations that were not included in this survey, or with various non-denominational congregations.
Catholics were the most prevalent Christian denomination, as the Protestants were divided among several denominations.
More numerous than all but the Catholics and Baptists were those affiliated with Islam, representing 3.6% of respondents. A much smaller number claimed affiliation with various Eastern religions.
Regardless of the particular religion, denomination, or sect, topics related to faith, spirituality, or religion in Garden City are appropriate for this category.
Recommended Resources
An introduction to the pastor of the Garden City, Michigan church is provided, the location of the church is displayed on a map, and its address, telephone number, and social media contacts are included. Its ministries to children and youth are highlighted, with a calendar of events, registration information, and contacts. Service schedules are provided, along with a link to its live-streaming of services. A photo gallery and a prayer request form are included.
Garden City Presbyterian Church
Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA, the church is located on Middlebelt Road in Garden City, Michigan. Founded in 1832 as the Presbyterian Church in Nankin, the congregation was known by a few different names before taking its current name in 1928. Its history, previous addresses, and a profile of the local church are put forth. Its ongoing ministries, weekly schedules, and a calendar of events are posted, sermon recordings are available, and contacts are posted.
Garden City Restoration Branch
Associated with the Restoration Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Garden City, Michigan congregation uses, as Scripture, the Bible, Book of Mormon, and The Doctrine and Covenants, and recognizes the priesthood offices of deacon, teacher, priest, and elder. Its leadership staff is listed, along with a statement of beliefs, and archives of The Anchor, the Great Lakes Restoration Branches magazine. Service schedules, a prayer list, and a sermon archive are available.
The congregation meets at its facilities on Merriman Road in Garden City, Michigan. Telephone and fax numbers, an email address, and a contact form are included on its site, which includes a statement of beliefs, service times, directions, and information about attending in-person services, which may also be viewed online or through its video archive. The church's congregational group ministries are highlighted, with schedules and contacts. Contributions may be made online.
Founded in 1999, the non-denominational Christian church is located on Dawson Street, at its intersection with Brandt Street in Garden City, Michigan. Its address, office telephone number, and contact form are presented. The church staff is introduced, and a statement of faith is published. An introduction to its worship services, including schedules, a calendar of events, and an overview of its congregational, community, and missionary outreach ministries are included.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
The Garden City, Michigan parish is a Vatican II Roman Catholic community with a church sanctuary on Beechwood Street. The office telephone number, a contact form, and email addresses for members of the pastoral and leadership staff are presented, and a schedule of sacraments and events, and an archive of video Masses, messages from the Father, and other videos are available, along with worship aids in PDF format. Registration information and a list of parish organizations are posted.
Located on Middlebelt Road, the Garden City, Michigan congregation meets on Sunday mornings for Bible classes and morning worship, and on Wednesday evenings for prayer and youth activities. Its location is shown on a map, the address is posted, a contact form is available, and a telephone number and social media links are included. Its small group programs, Bible classes, teen programs, and other ministries and missions are featured, and a video sermon archive is available.