Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Grosse Pointe Woods » Faith & Spirituality

Faith, religion, spirituality, and related topics pertaining to the city of Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan are the focus of this category.

Faith, spirituality, belief, and religion are often used interchangeably, and that is often appropriate, although each of these words has distinct definitions. However, for the purposes of categorization, the resources within this category are likely to be websites representing places of worship or ministries in Grosse Pointe Woods.

According to a recent survey, residents of the city are slightly more religious than the average Michigander, and less religious than the average American, with 42.2% of respondents in Grosse Pointe Woods citing affiliation with a religion, while the percentages for Michigan and the United States were 41.9% and 49.4%, respectively.

The majority of those within the city citing a religion were Christians and, among these, the Protestants outnumbered the Catholics, although Catholicism was the most common denomination, given that the Protestants were divided into several denominations.

The Catholics were followed distantly by the Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Mormons, although 6.5% cited denominations that were not part of the survey, or with various non-denominational Protestant churches.

Islam accounted for 3.6% of respondents, and another 0.3% cited various Eastern religions.

Churches and other places of worship in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan are appropriate resources for this category, regardless of the particular religion, denomination, or sect.



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