The emphasis of sites listed in this category is on places of worship and other topics related to faith, religion, and spirituality in Cleveland, Ohio.
Recommended Resources
Beth Israel is the only Jewish institution on Cleveland, Ohio’s west side. Its community, education, and worship programs are featured, with a schedule of coming events, recent news, and contacts.
The congregation meets at its facilities on Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. A calendar of services, groups, Christian education programs, and upcoming events is published, with an upcoming sermon schedule and Scripture.
Gateway Church is a partnership of autonomous churches in Cleveland, Ohio. The locations, worship times, and service information for each of the congregations is featured, and live streaming audio of services is available.
Directions to the Islamic Center of Cleveland, Ohio are given, along with prayer times, a calendar of services and events, sermon schedules, and information about the ICC Quran School.
Pilgrim United Church of Christ
The UCC congregation in Cleveland, Ohio is a Just Peace and Open and Affirming congregation. An overview of the denomination is presented, and the local pastor is introduced. A service schedule and staff contacts are included.
Situated at West 25th Street and Detroit Road, the Cleveland, Ohio congregation is highlighted, including its service schedules, church calendar, and leadership contacts.