Schools, colleges, and other topics related to education and training in Barre, Vermont are the focus of sites listed in this category.
Recommended Resources
Barre City Elementary and Middle School
Administered by the public school district for the City of Barre, Vermont, this school serves students from pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade. A school calendar is posted, along with the location and contact data for the campus administration, and information for students, staff, and parents.
BTC is one of seventeen Vermont career and technical centers that offers evening and weekend classes geared toward adults. Its programs are outlined, along with its admissions policies, a downloadable application, and information for students, parents and counselors.
Barre Town Middle & Elementary School
Serving public school students in Barren, Vermont, from pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade, a directory of faculty and staff is presented here, along with an overview of the school administration, school board and committees, as well as its academic, athletic, music, and student council programs.
SHS is a public high school which has served students in Barre, Vermont and the surrounding area since 1891. An administrative, staff and faculty directory is presented, along with an overview of the school's programs, clubs, publications, and departments.