The emphasis of this category is on schools, colleges, and other topics related to learning and education in South Burlington, Vermont.
Recommended Resources
Situated in South Burlington, Vermont, the Children's School is a non-profit parent cooperative pre-school for children aged three through five. Its parent cooperative policies are defined, along with its programs and facility, a staff directory, and registration resources.
RMHS is a coeducational Roman Catholic high school, located in South Burlington and serving the greater Burlington area of Vermont. Its mission, history, and admissions policies are described, along with its academic, athletic and alumni programs.
South Burlington School District
Profiles of each of the public schools within the district are given, along with an overview of the district itself, the school board, student results, policies and procedures, educational support systems, and contact information.
The Schoolhouse is an independent school, educating children from kindergarten through the sixth grade, in South Burlington, Vermont. Its programs, admissions policies, and testimonials are tendered, along with a directory of faculty and staff, a school calendar, and contact data.
VCS is an independent community school in South Burlington, Vermont. Its academic programs and admissions policies are related, along with a guide to its faculty, alumni programs, school calendar, and contact data.