This category lists web sites whose topics focus on schools, colleges, and other topics related to education and learning in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
Recommended Resources
GSCS serves children from the pre-school age through the eighth grade, stressing the education and development of the whole child, and providing for the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical needs of each student. Its history, accreditation, and programs are discussed, along with a history, staff directory, and statistical data.
Founded in 1842, the St. Johnsbury Academy is an independent, coeducational, non-profit boarding and day school in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, serving students from grades nine through twelve. Its academic, arts, athletic, and alumni programs are presented, along with its admissions policies.
Information resource for students and parents about the school's educational system and academic standards. Includes admissions information, school directory, events calendar and activity guide, news/announcements, forms and documents.