The focus of this category is on the waste treatment technology, also known as thermal treatment, that involves the use of combustion, or burning a waste product completely, reducing it to ashes.
Recommended Resources
Coalition for Responsible Waste Incineration
CRWI is an industry organization charged with providing information on better ways to understand and use high temperature combustion for waste control. Its site includes a mission statement, technical and operator information, selected citation, and a newsletter.
European Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste
Representing most of the EU's specialist waste incineration sector, Eurits was organized for the purpose of ensuring the safe, legal and environmentally responsible incineration of waste. Facts about the incineration process and its effects on the environment are offered, along with legislative data, a glossary of terms, and industry publications.
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives / Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance
GAIA is a worldwide alliance of grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals interested in creating a world free of incinerator toxins. Its organizational structure, issues, campaigns, and proposed solutions are presented.