The paranormal refers to a wide range of unexplained phenomena, that which is beyond the range of scientific or religious explanation.
Commonly, these include beliefs in ghosts, apparitions, and hauntings, as well as extraterrestrial life, alien abductions, and unidentified flying objects, sometimes known as unidentified aerial phenomena. Also included in this portion of our guide are such topics as time travel, clairvoyance, subliminal messages, spiritual totems, and the occult. The legend of Atlantis, and hollow earth theories may be found here. Enhanced children, who are believed to represent a leap in human evolution, would be appropriate in the section of the guide, as would cryptozoology and various cryptozoological creatures, such as bigfoot, chupacabra, Mothman, reptoids, ropens, shadow people, vampires, werewolves, and reported lake monsters, as well as others.
Related topics, such as ghost investigations, ghost hunting, electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), believed to be recorded ghost voices, would also be found within these categories, along with ufology, parapsychology, and other paranormal investigations, including skeptical scientific investigation of paranormal phenomenon.
In determining the subjects and subcategories to include in the Paranormal category, as opposed to those dealing with science or religion, a degree of subjectivity was necessary. For example, while many reasonable people, including scientists, presume that life exists elsewhere in the universe, the belief that the earth is regularly visited by extraterrestrials would fall within the category of the paranormal.
Conversely, while science has not yet been able to determine the nature of dark matter, the reality of dark matter is a scientific consensus, so topics related to dark matter would be categorized in one of our science categories.
By the same nature, a good argument could be made for placing topics related to demons and angels in the paranormal categories, but, since these supernatural entities are an accepted part of some organized religions, and we have a religion category, we have elected to place them there instead.
The paranormal is a broad subject, and much of what we know of the paranormal world is based in theory, speculation, and anecdotal accounts. Consensus on any one theory or concept relating to paranormal phenomenon is rare.
However, it does not necessarily follow that paranormal entities and actions are fictitious, although they tend to be unproven and unexplained. A 1996 Gallup poll found that more than seventy percent of Americans believed that the government was covering up information about UFOs, and a 2017 Chapman University poll determined that more than fifty percent of respondents believe that Atlantis once existed, and that places could be haunted by ghosts. Only twenty-five percent of respondents didn't hold at least one paranormal belief.
Topics in this category include purported phenomena described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, the reality of which is beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.
AtlantisClairvoyanceCrop CirclesCryptozoologyEnhanced ChildrenGhosts & HauntingsHollow Earth | IlluminatiOccultParanormal ResearchSubliminal MessagesTime TravelTotemsUFOs |
Feature Article
When Does Paranormal Become Normal?

We use the word "paranormal" in reference to things that are outside the
range of normal experience or scientific explanation. Its prefix (para) is
derived from the Latin for "outside" or "against," so a paranormal
experience is one that is outside the realm of scientific understanding.
Yet most, if not all, of what we now accept as scientific fact had its
beginnings in a theory that was not fully understood or accepted by the
scientific community.
has accomplished a great deal over the past five hundred years, and
perhaps its most basic function is to investigate the natural world, and
it might be argued that its area of service has recently expanded to
include the universe.
have made some remarkable discoveries, and there are no doubt
many more to be made, but there are probably also a lot things of that will
never explained through science. It seems reasonable that there are truths
about the natural world that cannot be discovered or proven through
science. These areas, beyond the grasp of science, may well be the domain
of the paranormal, and of religion.
The mention of religion introduces another uncomfortable question to the
discussion. Generally, when we think about the paranormal, the things that
come to mind include ghosts,
and people with psychic
powers. Yet, regardless of the definition you use, couldn't religion
be placed within the realm of the paranormal, as well? The nature of
religion is that it is accepted on faith, after all.
The true atheist
would probably have no trouble categorizing all of religion under the
heading of the paranormal. Since most scientists are said to be atheists,
this may well be the consensus of the scientific community. We are not
likely to read such a declaration from the scientific community any time
soon, however.
Scientists are funded, largely, by non-scientists and, at least in the United
States, a large majority of the population believes in a deity, and
they would not tolerate having their god lumped in with the likes of Bigfoot,
little green men, or children who can bend spoons with their minds.
To the Christian,
God is real, and the evidence of God can be seen all around us. This is
true for adherents of other deistic religions,
as well.
People generally equate the paranormal with beliefs that are held only by
people who are either crazy or awfully naive. This may well be true of
many paranormal experiences, but it is not necessarily true of all. It is
possible that, with advances in scientific research, phenomena currently
labeled as paranormal may become more understood, and accepted by the
scientific community.
I am quite certain that the world was round, and that it revolved around
the sun, long before the scientific community accepted these ideas, and I
am equally certain that quarks existed before scientists were able to
detect them.
It is also quite likely that species have existed before they were
formally discovered by human beings, and that there are, indeed, species
yet to be discovered or classified. Might one of these species be a vampire
or a chupacabra?
Probably not, but it is almost certain that there will be discoveries
equally remarkable.
Recommended Resources
Featuring articles and videos on a variety of topics generally not covered by the mainstream media, such as UFOs, extraterrestrials, the paranormal, secret societies, the New World Order, political scandals, terrorism, conspiracy theories, and others, new topics are highlighted. A discussion forum is included, which includes breaking news, conspiracy theories, political forums, current events, mysterious subjects, science and technology, and others. Advertising opportunities are available.
Online since 2013, the site features news and articles on various topics of unexplained and paranormal phenomenon. UFO sightings, ghost encounters, conspiracies, and other reports are updated daily, or as they become available. Included topics include UFO and alien encounters, astral travel, spirits, paranormal and mystical events, conspiracy theories, life-after-death experiences, magic, the esoteric, and the occult. Astrology, ancient civilizations, mysterious places, and others.
The Anomalist is a daily review of world news on alternative science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange powers and talents, and unusual discoveries. Topics include aliens from other worlds, alien implants, cattle mutilation, creation theories, cryptoids, fairies and faeries, ghosts and hauntings, hidden history, monsters, mystery lights, UFOs and UFOlogy, unusual things falling from the sky, and other paranormal topics. Related books are featured, and an archive is available.
Publishing new podcasts every Tuesday, Believing the Bizarre covers aliens, UFOs, conspiracies, hauntings, cryptids, creatures, and other paranormal topics. Its hosts, Tyler and Charlie, both from Ohio, are introduced, and its podcasts may be listened to online, with textual content included. Episodes are sorted into four categories: Aliens & UFOs, Conspiracies, Creatures & Cryptids, and Hauntings. An online shopping area offers branded merchandise, and sponsorship opportunities are featured.
Best Ghost Sites Paranormal Directory
This directory of ghost, horror, Halloween, and other paranormal sites is categorized according to a variety of topics, including arts and graphics, folklore and superstitions, ghosts, graveyards, haunted places and events, spooky sounds, horror and horror movies, paranormal investigators, psychics, UFOs and aliens, zombies, and other unexplained mysteries. New sites may be submitted for consideration, with free and paid options. Its submission guidelines are posted on the site.
Offering daily paranormal news and articles on the occult, conspiracies, and related topics, Higgypop also features reviews of ghost-hunting television shows and podcasts, documentaries, and movie releases and produces YouTube content. Topic headings include hauntings, ghost hunting, television, videos, games, and several other categories, including horoscopes, numerology, black magic, time travel, witchcraft, mythical creatures, and other topics. An online store offers branded merchandise.
James Randi Educational Foundation
The JREF is a foundation that was founded in 1996 to help people defend themselves from paranormal and pseudoscientific claims, although is ceased to be a public charity in 2016, and became a private, non-operating foundation, which no longer solicit donations. The author is an investigator and demystifier of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. General information about his, now suspended, project is presented, and links to other paranormal skeptic sites are presented.
Lloyd Pye: Intervention Theory
The author, and caretaker of the Starchild Skull since 1999, Lloyd Pye, has been leading the research in an attempt to establish with certainty whether the skull is entirely human or something else. Other topics include Pye's science-based alternative to human origins that combines data from ancient historical records with what science reveals in our DNA, indicating that humans are the product of off-world intervention. Pye passed away in 2013, but his site remains for informational purposes.
Myth & Mystery is a categorized directory of websites relating to ancient history, paranormal, and mystical websites, with more than a hundred categories available, including UFOs, aliens, conspiracies, alien abductions, theories on the origin of man, ancient civilizations, and religious and occult connections, ghosts, and other topics. The site also hosts member blogs, photos, and videos on paranormal subjects. Its terms of service (TOS) are specified on the website.
Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife
Dedicated to offering information about near-death experiences, the site has been online since 1996. It includes content from the author, Kevin Williams, and many others with expertise on the subject or who have personal experiences to relate to. The site author's published book and links to organizations and research facilities are available for purchase online, along with those of several other NDE authors and experts. Recommendations for related books and videos are included.
Online since 2019, the site posts news, information, and commentary on various paranormal events, phenomena, or other subjects beyond the scope of ordinary scientific understanding. Its main topics include ghost hunting, dreams, numbers, and the supernatural, the latter of which is a catch-all for paranormal issues not covered under the other subject headings. Instructions on the use of paranormal equipment or other techniques are included, along with photographs and videos.
Featuring news and information on the afterlife, haunted locations, parapsychology, UFOs, urban legends, and other paranormal topics, along with website recommendations and information about parapsychology classes. Other resources include a list and overview of paranormal podcasts. Other podcasts may be submitted for consideration of inclusion. For an annual fee, authors of paranormal books may promote their books here; an application is included. Guidelines for author submissions are included.
The Paranormal Database is a project intended to document as many locations with paranormal or cryptozoological interest as possible, concentrating on England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. Recent reports are highlighted, and all reports are categorized by type, and the categories are defined. Readers are encouraged to submit valid paranormal stories for consideration, but all submissions will be reviewed by staff before publication on the website.
Featuring an assortment of paranormal subjects, such as Bigfoot, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, the occult, and cryptozoology, the website welcomes article submissions by other paranormal investigators. Besides articles on the above topics, the website includes a paranormal encyclopedia, which is more of an alphabetically arranged dictionary of paranormal terms. Paranormal locations are posted by state, which may also be found through an interactive map. Affiliate links are included.
This directory of paranormal societies includes listings from all fifty states in the United States, as well as listings from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italia, Italy, and several other countries. New sites may be submitted for consideration of inclusion, and paranormal investigators can list their sites for free. Other resources include articles on various paranormal topics.
The site offers articles, stories, FAQs, videos, a haunted places directory, information about dealing with the paranormal, a list of active paranormal investigators and researchers, a repository of evidence, and other resources relating to ghosts, hauntings, extraterrestrials, cryptoids, conspiracy theories, urban legends and folklore, fringe science, astrophysics, sociobiology, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, superstitions, and an invitation to write for the website.
Paranormal Studies & Inquiry Canada
PSICAN was initially known as Paranormal Studies and Investigations Canada, but its name was changed in 2016 to reflect the fact that it does not conduct investigations. The site features reports from other investigators in Canada, informational articles, photos, and other resources relating to ghosts and hauntings, UFOs, cryptozoology, psychic abilities, and paranormal experiences related to people in pop culture, as well as other experiences, listed separately, along with comments.
Operated by a Xenforo forum script, the online discussion forum is focused on paranormal topics. While anyone is welcome to view threads and posts within the forum, registering a member account is required to participate in discussions. Topics include time travel, aliens and UFOs, the End Times, conspiracies, cryptozoology, ghosts, metaphysics, mysticism, the occult, psychic abilities, spirituality, and religion, as well as others. Forum statistics and links to related sites are included.
Seniors Only Club: Conspiracies & Paranormal
A variety of topics that might be classified as conspiracy theories, true or not, as well as paranormal topics are under discussion here by baby boomers and seniors, fifty years old or older. Although anyone may read the discussions, participation requires a free membership and a login. Topics include, but are not limited to, weather manipulation, ghosts, auras, guide stones, moon landing hoax theories, World Trade Center conspiracies, and the world is flat.
Online since 1994, The Shadowlands informs on such topics as ghosts and hauntings, mysterious creatures such as Bigfoot, Chupacabras, giant snakes, lizard men, Mothman, the Jersey Devil and others, as well as UFOs, aliens from other planets, sea serpents, spontaneous human combustion, Men in Black, Noah's Ark, Atlantis and other unsolved mysteries, legends, folklore, and myths. Photographs and video are included in many of the topics. A list of haunted places in the United States is included.
The Starchild Skull is a nine hundred year-old bone skull that was discovered in Mexico in the 1930s. The Starchild Project is an informal organization established in 1999, when Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the skull, asked Lloyd Pye to lead the research into what may have caused the unusual shape and properties of the bones. The results of this research is documented here, along with DNA data reports. Artists' reconstructions are also featured.
A definition and overview of the paranormal are featured, including more specific information about ghosts, ghost lights, apparitions, ectoplasm, poltergeists, famous hauntings, EVPs, demon hauntings, and ghost hunting organizations, as well as other paranormal topics like the Bermuda Triangle, extrasensory perception, telekinesis, shadow people, the Bell Witch, vortex, and others, along with recommended paranormal books and literature and links to other paranormal sites.
Maintained by Unexplainable Enterprises, the site features articles on various topics, such as astral projection, hypnosis, aura viewing, meditation, lucid dreaming, chakra tuning, UFOs and aliens, ghosts and demons, ancient civilizations, space and astrology, cryptology, political conspiracies, strange weather, and other related topics. Readers are invited to submit articles for publication, an affiliate program is available, and contacts are provided. Archives are included.
Focusing on the unknown, the unsolved, and the unusual, Unexplained Mysteries cover a variety of topics, from the mysteries of ancient Egypt to alternative science, as well as conspiracies, metaphysics, spirituality, and the paranormal. Although most of its content may be viewed by non-members, registered members may participate in its discussion forum and have access to a member blog, an image gallery, and other amenities outlined here. Trending news and articles are highlighted.
Offering free streaming of paranormal shows and television series, the site includes videos and playlists of paranormal investigation groups, psychic mediums, ghost hunting, and other paranormal topics. Viewers are invited to register and submit their videos to be featured on the site's home page. Viewers may listen to stories, analyze EVPs, and access other audio, as well as blog articles and interviews. A how-to section offers video instructions and tutorials on paranormal topics.
Founded by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, the publishing and media company produces books on paranormal activities, cryptids, ufology, alien contacts, afterlife studies, spirit communications, spirituality, and personal growth. Represented authors are introduced, and available titles are presented, with synopses, prices, and other details. Available books may be purchased online, newly published titles are highlighted, archives are included, and contacts are posted on the website.